The life cycle of Beauty is short: it is born, blooms and decays in a short time. Â
This is why Artists are so precious and Photographers in particular, because they block that Beauty in the moment of its maximum splendor and make it immortal.Â
Usually something happens during the week that inspires a topic, I use it to write the sermon and then I look for a coherent image between my works and others, but this time it happened the opposite. Â
Ice Colors is my painting, made from a photo taken in 2014 that portrays the beautiful glacier that flows (goes) in the Magdalenefjord, in Svalbard. It came to my attention in the National Geographic documentary on global warming, which showed the residue: in 2017 it was already a memory, set back hundreds of meters and reduced to a sad jumble of dirty ice, rock and earth. Â
It had nothing to do with the immense power of the glacier I had portrayed, the physical and chromatic strength of the river of ice and snow that still emanates from my painting.Â
His present condition is therefore a warning, a meditation on the duration of beauty that is ephemeral in all its forms: whether it is a glacier, a flower, a body, a smile or a radiant sun are all destined to set, each with its own times, but inevitably.Â
And so far it seems and is a sad thing. But there is also good news: Beauty is so much and is constantly born, not from its ashes like the Phoenix, but like mushrooms after an autumn rain: everywhere and all around us and to itself.

It is the Beauty that generates Beauty and it is the inner Poetry that allows us to notice and appreciate it and, if our nature is artistic, to immortalize it in our works.Â
The smartest people collect beautiful works of art, even to get a material gain yes, but those that touch the soul if they keep them close because when they observe, these improve the day.Â
THE THNGS TO DOÂ to increase the beauty level of your life are:Â
-Look around while you go around: it seems obvious, but taken by our worries we usually do not;Â
-avoid on social media posts dark condemnation and provocateurs, those who talk about death, problems, misfortunes, perversions and the like;Â
-always give a like (in social) or a recognition (in real life) to everything BeautYÂ that we meet: the more we see and the more we will see.Â
And with that, I wish everyone a Beautiful Sunday.