

Sito AndreasMcMüller.art


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Opere d'Arte: Dipinti

Nudi d'Arte: McBlack

Nudi d'Arte: McColor

Nudi d'Arte : McWhite

Opere fotografiche: McWave

Opere fotografiche: La Vita Vince Sempre

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ITALIANO: Polished
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and all your help is vital. 

I will use donations to create new Free Beauty, in the form of works of art donated to charities, museums and associations that help people in need. 

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What is art for?

2021-05-29 19:58

Andreas McMüller

art, beauty, mcmuller, art, modern, arte italiana, bellezza nell'arte, se non è bella non è Arte, arteacosaserve, arteusoeconsumo, arte a cosa serve, arte e vita, arte motivazione,

What is art for?

But does art have anything to do with ordinary people?  It shouldn't just be in museums?  What to do with you and me?  About us?      Yes,

But does art have anything to do with ordinary people?
Shouldn't it just be in museums?

What to do with you and me? it concerns

you! ...


much more closely

than you think: read why below.

The dictionary says: 'Art, in its broadest meaning, encompasses every activity a human being that leads to forms of creativity and aesthetic expression [...] So Art is a language, a transmission of emotions and messages.


So: what does aesthetics have to do with you? What do communication and emotions have to do with you? Very true? We are

all looking for happiness, but true happiness is in beauty, especially in the beauty of things well done, that is, those done in a workmanlike manner. True

happiness is in satisfaction, in the pride of having produced, solved, fixed something, creating value and consequently obtaining success and money. Isn't this a beauty? Various

surveys have found that the happiest couples are the stable ones; not the so-called open couples and even less those who are addicted to libertinage. Yes, sure, he fucks a lot, but is he happy? NO, he wakes up in the morning with the emptiness inside that devours him

and is more voracious every night that passes. The messages we receive from the world we live in push us in that direction, not to mention the narrow materialism of the world of work, in which Production and the God Money crush humanity. And

in the end they certainly kill the soul and sometimes people too.So art (the real Art, the aesthetic one, not the Cattelan shit), has to do with you because it is the kryptonite of



is the lifesaver of the soul and the most important reminder of Life.

It is no coincidence that crafty entrepreneurs attach works of art to their office walls even before their home walls, because those paintings and sculptures create a rebirth every time you look at them. Didn't humanity come out of the Middle Ages when the Lordships invested in Art, causing the Renaissance itself? In


own small way, each of us can, in the most effective moments, 'unplug ' from the present and, for a few minutes, observe a work of art. And she will repay him, reminding him that Beauty exists, that it is attainable, that he can create beauty with his ideas and solutions and inspire him towards better emotions. Those few minutes will end with a better tone and an


ability to survive. That's what Art is for, and it has a lot to do with



me. :-) Andreas

Andreas McMüller is an artist of SHIBUSA Art gallery

The artworks are sold by Shibusa s.a.s. - Headquarters in Via Pasolini, 8 - 42023 Cadelbosco di sopra (RE) Italia

P.Iva (VAT) e CF  IT02720390356 - Phone: 333-3920128 - E-mail: mcmuller@shibusa.art


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