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and all your help is vital. 

I will use donations to create new Free Beauty, in the form of works of art donated to charities, museums and associations that help people in need. 

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2022-09-13 11:58

Andreas McMüller

News, Photography, Saggio breve di Lord Andreas McMüller, Ambasciatore della Bellezza., beauty, mcmuller, sermone,


The most beautiful of awards There are ugly places, like a wholesale supermarket, devoid of Beauty? It seems so, but...

Short Sunday Sermon of 11 September 2022 by the Minister of Beauty Lord Andreas McMüller
Reading: 1 minute and 55 seconds 
 There are ugly places, like a wholesale supermarket, devoid of Beauty?  It seems so, but...

I am in line at the horeca, one of those big supermarkets of restaurant and hotel supplies waiting to be served and, by contrast, the coldness of the place sends my attention to the sermon I have to create for tomorrow.

At a first glance, in fact, the shed looks like a jumble of shelves, signs and products, functionally arranged, both practical and unsightly. A place that fights with the raison d'être of my sermon that should, of course, talk about that Beauty that here seems completely absent.

All too often in the world in which we live it is up to us to look for it and, if we do not find it, to create it.

So I peak to "seek better" and I begin to observe the pleasant shed and its contents with photographic eye, in search of the happy news and, little by little, emerge the denials of the first inauspicious judgment: the colors of the fruit, the patterns of the well-arranged packaging, the wonderful marbling of the Florentine and the beautiful label of a particular Vermentino (italian white wine), whose bottle is a fantastic work of art that shines in the dark.


All sealed by the cheerful laughter of some customers who chat and the bright and illuminating smile of the saleswoman.

At that moment I understand that there is no place without Beauty but that sometimes it is up to us to look for it and the small effort that is required to stop a moment of being superficial, to observe instead of overflying, will be repaid a thousand times.

And if you can find Beauty in the supermarket it means that it is really everywhere (you have no idea what beautiful photos can be taken in the landfill!).

This is the contribution that Art gives to Life: improving our and especially your survival, spreading Beauty all around you and giving you that vital energy that makes you live well. You just have to look around and look for it, you will find it and it will be the deserved reward for your effort.

and if you want to do little effort go to my site, you can find it on pallets: www.andreasmcmuller.art

P.S. I bought that Vermentino and if it is as good as it is beautiful I will recommend it.

The image is a picture of me taken at a spice stand in the Boqueria, Barcelona’s market.

Andreas McMüller is an artist of SHIBUSA Art gallery

The artworks are sold by Shibusa s.a.s. - Headquarters in Via Pasolini, 8 - 42023 Cadelbosco di sopra (RE) Italia

P.Iva (VAT) e CF  IT02720390356 - Phone: 333-3920128 - E-mail: mcmuller@shibusa.art


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