

Sito AndreasMcMüller.art


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Nudi d'Arte: McBlack

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Opere fotografiche: La Vita Vince Sempre

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and all your help is vital. 

I will use donations to create new Free Beauty, in the form of works of art donated to charities, museums and associations that help people in need. 

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The Dimension of Love

2022-08-21 18:08

Andreas McMüller

News, Aesthetics, Saggio breve di Lord Andreas McMüller, Ambasciatore della Bellezza., beauty, mcmuller, vera Arte, bellezza nell'arte, Amore, spiritualità, sermone, energy, scopo della bellezza, la bellezza migliora la vita,

The Dimension of Love

The Dimension of Love Reading: 2 minutes and 30 sec.

The Dimension of Love

Do you know love?
Yes, of course, you remember it ... that feeling so deep, so poignant, so absolute. It assaults your soul and takes control of thoughts, emotions and existence and sublimates it, taking it to a higher level, where everything is possible. Two hearts and a hut, they say, and that's it.
Matter matters little when there is Love, because it makes life wonderful regardless.
On the other hand, spirituality is very important, which is the other dimension of living, of which conjugal love is a manifestation, but it is not the only one.
Paternal and maternal love are no less, as well as divine love: have you ever walked into a church and realized how well you were there?
Have you ever been to places that fill you with energy, places where you feel peaceful and, finally, at home?
Have you ever been lucky enough to be able to observe a work of art undisturbed for a while?
There is a part of human life whose essence is not material: it has its roots in feelings and manifests itself as a positive emotion. It is born inside people and grows with their spirituality, transforming matter into Poetry.
Humans create it all the time and exchange it, consciously in pranotherapy and in the laying on of hands, unconsciously in a fraternal handshake, in a warm embrace but also with mere presence: people who have cultivated their inner beauty do feel good to others even just by meeting them.
We can define them Artists of the soul, because the positive energy they have inside pervades their every action, every creation and manifests itself in the form of beauty that pervades the environment and transforms it, making it better.
Everything they do is a work of art that conveys their essence, their emotions, their vitality and if you meet it it improves you, positively energizing your existence.
And this is the GOOD NEWS: by letting yourself be infected by their works you can improve your life and get inspired.
The first step is to insert their creations in their own environments, to absorb their infinite energy, to look at them in the dark moments and to perceive that beauty exists despite the daily worries and the second step is to use them as an example and spur to create beauty in turn and put more and more of it in your life, reborn inside.
Love, Aesthetics, Positive Emotions and Vital Energy, are all components of the spiritual area of Life, that "Happiness" that everyone is looking for and that can be found easily, provided you divert attention from the material, money, things and to insert beauty into one's existence, because it is beauty that creates beauty. I wish you a splendid and uninterrupted creation.

Andreas McMüller - Minister of Beauty


The work on the side is mine and is called "Energy"

If this or my other works can improve your existence contact me, I am at your disposal.

Write me from the contact page of this site

Andreas McMüller is an artist of SHIBUSA Art gallery

The artworks are sold by Shibusa s.a.s. - Headquarters in Via Pasolini, 8 - 42023 Cadelbosco di sopra (RE) Italia

P.Iva (VAT) e CF  IT02720390356 - Phone: 333-3920128 - E-mail: mcmuller@shibusa.art


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